Exploratory Essay

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Great speculation has been given to the topic of e-books, whether it be the validity of it's worth in the classroom, or the small font size, which can be adjusted I might add. E-books are not meant to be a hindrance, but merely an enabler. They should make your learning experience easier, and a little less expensive. Some people question whether the fact that physical books are dying, I would say no, not yet anyway. Our world is moving quickly in regard to technological advances, if we are going to sit back and watch these advances pass us by, at some point our resources will run out. Having all digital resources next semester would be a productive step in the direction of student success at Valencia. Not only are there monetary benefits …show more content…

So just like decisions are not based solely on the benefits for one specific group of people, the transferring of physical books to e-books are not exclusively profitable to one group. Not only do students benefit from this change, but teachers as well. The benefits of e-books are numerous, a well known newspaper discusses a few of these benefits aimed toward, and with high regard to teachers. ". . . Some of these new electronic platforms permit individual instructors to modify the text for their own classes' use, eliminating material that isn't required and adding the instructor's own material, such as video clips, study aids, or self-test material" (Hull). This is good news for both the teachers and students. Teachers are able to edit their resources to become more relevant to the course. Teachers are able to let their creativity become evident when placing different visual aids and fun accessories for students to be able to learn from. I believe this will also help the students when trying to understand important concepts, they will not have to decipher what is, and what is not, note worthy within the readings. As well as the fact that not all students learn the same way, with the ability to add special features to the assignments, students will better understand what they are learning in

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