Exploratory Essay

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Why do we really follow the news? What motivates and interests the viewers enough that they keep coming back to watch more? Children view watching the news as ways to be informed, make the world a better place, and become smarter, which will help us out in our future. In contrast, many adults feel that watching the news is forced by the need to complete their civic duty uneventful, boring, and unpractical. As a whole the general population supposedly watches the news to get entertainment, suspense, information, and to relate the world’s current events with their daily lives. Citizens watch the news for entertainment and a good story. We often are interested in news stories that will relate to our daily lives, so we can compare ourselves and our daily lives to that of the current events going on throughout the world. As described by one scientist, watching the presidential debate and actually learning the information that each candidate represents is similar to eating your vegetables. Watching the competition, covered by the news, and the slandering done by the candidates is like a horse race, which is exciting and suspenseful. Even if the information isn’t completely correct, people are more interested in the narrative that will entertain them and give the something to remember and share with peers, rather than the factual information that will help them with civic duties. …show more content…

Often in our daily lives suspenseful, surprising, exciting events are limited. News stations can alter factual stories to highlight exciting and important parts, making the story more surreal and entertaining. Citizens are looking for surprise in news stories, but news stories with biases and unfactual information can often be predictable, completely defeating the purpose of watching the news for suspense and

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