Examples Of Faith In Night By Elie Wiesel

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Faith is to have confidence in somebody or something. Faith provides a purpose for living and gives life direction. Although it may provide stability, faith often changes. Change is handled in many different ways. Some say that change is good and many also say that it is bad and that change affects lives. Change in faith is present in Elie Wiesel’s novel, Night. In the novel, Elie is a young boy going through the Holocaust. At the beginning he is a person full of faith and has a purpose in his life; however, after witnessing horrific matters he begins to lose all faith. Throughout the time Elie spends in the concentration camps , Elie witnesses barbaric events such as Jews turning on other Jews that makes him lose his faith in God and himself. The beginning of the novel starts with Elie in his home town, Sighet. Elie was a normal boy he went to school, had friends and studied Torah. Elie had a good relationship with his Father they got into a few fights for instance, Elie wanted to learn Kabbalah and his Father thought that he was too young to learn Kabbalah. Elie Studied …show more content…

He loses his faith in many ways, one way was how he lost his faith in the Jewish community. Keep her quiet! Make that mad woman shut up. She’s not the only one here…”. ()Elie realized that people will kill one another in order to save their lives. He also realized that the sense of community is lost and it is every man for themselves. When the Jews were on the train they passed by a town. “In the Wagon where the bread had landed, a battle had ensued. Men were hurling themselves at each other, trampling, tearing, at and mauling each other. (101). The Jewish community is supposed to be a very supportive community. Seeing Jews fight and kill each other and being selfish at times where the community needs to stick together makes his faith in the Jewish community was completely

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