Examples Of Alternate Ending To Ralph's Monologue

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“Ralph, I don't think we should be doing this.” I say to Ralph. “Timmy you only live once, just shut-up and listen to me.” “Fine.” *Facetime ended* I knew this was stupid and could only lead to more trouble but, if Ralph wants me to then I guess I'll have to. I trot up to my room and hop onto my bed, I try and shut my eyes, I fall asleep with the thought stuck in my head. Having to skip school and fake sick, just so I can't hangout with Ralph in our treehouse in the woods. The next morning I open my eyelids hearing my mom waking me up. I tell her that I don't feel good and my stomach is aching. I thought to myself of how many people use that excuse when they fake sick, ugh it's never going to work. “How about you take a day off and i'll check …show more content…

If he didn't make me do all these stupid things I would've never gotten in trouble. Why am I friends with such a messed up, idiotic kid. Things have to change, I can't be his friend anymore. I try and shut my eyes to fall asleep but my eyes just reopen with red flames in them from the rage and anger for all the years I have put of with Ralph. I keep repeating one word in my head over and over again. “Friendship.” I think of the meaning of friendship and how friends stick up for each other and help each other. How friends don't threaten the other and get them in trouble, and force them to do things, and ugh I just can't take it anymore. I see a memory with Ralph but it starts to fade, and fade, then gone. “Im ending our friendship.” The last words I say of the night. Then I finally get some rest and my eyes stay …show more content…

By the way I have other friends so I don't care if we aren't friends anymore.” He says with a smirk and starts laughing. So much for being nice I say to myself. “Well you're the stupid one, you're always doing all these stunts and your parents are even stupider for letting you do all this, at least my parents actually care about me. You and all your friends never do anything smart so I've had enough of all of you foolish ideas.. Goodbye!” Did I just say that, I did it! I finally said what I was scared to say for a year. I start to run through the forest with a huge smile on my face, until I realize that now I have to make a bunch of new friends. Oh god, well it can't be that hard. I start to run now with my heart beating about making a new friend.. Until I trip on this little twig in front of me. I pick it up and snap it in half and chuck it towards the treehouse that is now in the distance. I get to my house and just walk inside thinking about tomorrow and having to make a new friend. How hard it's going to be, just thinking about how hard it is to lose a friend, it's probably harder to make

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