Essay On Migrant Workers

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Could you imagine working up to twelve hours a day and only making less than a dollar? Well that was the everyday life of a simple migrant worker during The Depression. These workers were forced to live this lifestyle after the Dust Bowl hit many states. Although they struggled a majority of the Depression, they still managed to get the job that needed to be done to continue to support their family. Migrant workers were Mexican and Mexican Americans who had sought work in California(Depression Era). These workers tended to be either newly arrived immigrants or were individuals who were forced to leave their farms after the Dust Bowl(Mixbook), but the Dust Bowl wasn't the only reason for this migration. The crash of the stock market was another …show more content…

In addition to the long work hours, the workers would really only have the job of picking up fruit and other crops(Depression Era). Farmers always had a high demand of workers to do the job of picking things like berries and grapes(Migrant Labor).The small jobs that these migrators had, were never guaranteed to keep. This was based off the fact that many migrant workers had a great chance of losing the job they due to the new mechanical equipment that was being produced(Migrant Workers of..). Although the jobs they had weren’t that good, the pay that got for them were also …show more content…

This was especially true for every worker that worked on any farm. With there being so many migrants looking for work it resulted in low pay for everyone(Migrant Workers of..). Any job they had did, they were getting paid at starvation wages(National Farm Worker Ministry). Their earnings often ranged from seventy-five cents to $1.25 a day(The Great Depression). For that reason, migrants were the lowest paid workers in the country(Mapes, Kathy). Even if a family had every member in it working, they still weren’t making

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