Essay On Fantasy Football

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Fantasy football is an exploding phenomenon in America. With over 75 million Americans taking part, and companies specializing in the game making in excess of over $1 billion dollars in revenue; there is no doubt that its popularity is here to stay. Fantasy football is a game where you join a league and draft a team comprised of NFL players. During the season your team scores points based on the statistics of the players, such as receiving, rushing, and passing yards. Whoever’s team has the most points at the conclusion of the games wins that week. At the end of the year the top teams with the most wins compete in a playoff and the last team left standing is awarded a fantasy championship.

Sounds simple right? To the contrary, everyone who has played fantasy football will tell you it’s not that easy. The most critical part to having a good fantasy football team is the draft. Make wise decisions, and you will dominate your league. Make risky and uninformed decisions and you …show more content…

This is another mistake a lot of first time players make. A defense is the backbone of an NFL team. Look at the best teams in the league and most likely they have a good defense, but again the same rules don’t apply when playing fantasy football. Due to the inconsistent nature of the NFL, there is no concrete science when it comes to predicting a defense from year to year. If you wait and draft a defense statistics prove that you can enjoy just as much success as if you get one of the higher ranked defenses earlier in the draft. I personally drop and add defenses week to week based on matchups and do better than most of my counterparts. And when it comes to kickers, just wait and pick one on a good team that can score points. Your team will be much better in the long run if you concentrate on drafting high upside players in the later rounds instead of wasting those picks on a defense or

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