Essay On Beowulf As An Archetypal Hero

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Beowulf, an Archetypal Hero An epic hero is defined as someone who seems larger than life, that exemplifies the cultural values of that time period. A piece of literature that revolves around the archetypal hero is the poem Beowulf. Beowulf is the oldest surviving piece of literature in the English language. Although the poem has historical elements woven into it, it is a complete work of fiction. The poem itself was originally untitled. Later on, the poem was named after its protagonist, whom the poem primarily focuses on. Beowulf accurately portrays the archetypal hero in several distinctive ways which include; being a great warrior, traveling over a vast setting, showing humility, and being of noble birth. Throughout all three battle scenes, Beowulf portrays the characteristic of a great warrior. Heroes during the Anglo-Saxon time period were able to handle themselves in battle and accomplish great feats of strength. For example, Beowulf fights Grendel, the terrible fiend, that had been terrorizing the people of Herot for twelve long years. Beowulf is the only man to have accepted the challenge of killing him. When Grendel came to …show more content…

Beowulf is not asked, forced, or coerced into helping the Danes. He simply helps the Danes because he has the ability to. This selflessness is reflected in many aspects of the poem. When Beowulf confronts the horrendous fiend Grendel, he still shows humility, stating "my hands alone shall fight for me." Beowulf does this because he wants to prove that he is worthy to fight against Almighty's foe. Most epic heroes have something separating them from the ordinary. This of course, is another attribute of the archetypal hero. Beowulf, like most heroes is of noble birth. It is stated in the poem that he is the prince of the kingdom back home. In the battle with the Dragon, Beowulf is king of

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