And Contrast Fahrenheit 451 And Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night

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Fighting for an aspect one believes in may entitle ranting, raving, screaming, or pounding fists on the ground, yet that appears more dignified than simply giving in to fate. Ray Bradbury and Dylan Thomas, writers of Fahrenheit 451 and “Do not go gentle into that good night” pursue others to voice their opinions and portray bravery at its finest moments. Fahrenheit 451 represents a dystopian society and its one main dissident, Guy Montag, while “Do not go gentle into that good night” expresses the importance of clinging onto life during one’s most difficult situations. Ray Bradbury and Dylan Thomas display the significance of never abandoning one’s beliefs throughout their literature. Ray Bradbury expressed an uprising due to extreme difference …show more content…

Several of the poems lines revolved around never abandoning a verbal, physical, or mental battle that went against ones beliefs. The villanelle discussed an elderly person nearing death, who seemed to have lost the will to continue his or her battle. All people posses some form of beliefs, which might go against what others find appropriate. However, the poem presented indicated the significance of staying true to ones original thoughts. As the poem further explained the progressing deterioration of one’s life and the importance to persevere, it stated, “Old age should burn and rave at close of day/ rage, rage against the dying of the light.” This statement proved that people should not give in to death easily, but since it is inevitable, he or she should strive to always feel fulfilled. For one to feel content, that person must fight against ending their life without a fair battle. To further express his thoughts, Thomas stated, “Though wise men at their end know dark is right/ because their words had forked no lighting they/ do not go gentle into that good night.” This excerpt indicates that even the most intelligent people are incapable of fulfilling their wishes, leaving them troubled by incompletion. On the whole, to feel satisfied when it is too late to make a difference, one must make each opportunity count when

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