Doubt Critical Thinking

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Sitting in their desk pondering the answer to problem number 2: What is the capital of Minnesota? The student sweating as they answer Minneapolis doubting that it is correct losing confidence as they continue, or a mother around the age of 35 fearing for her life, hoping that she turned off the stove after super but she can’t check due to the fact she is in town. She doubts the stove was turned, hoping the house doesn’t burn down. These are doubts one for a student who lacks confidence and one for a mother fearing that she forgot to turn of the stove. Doubt is the lack of confidence in something or someone but it is also the fear, or being afraid of feeling. Doubt is felt among all people and many people experience it the same way. Doubt questions a notion of perceived reality, which makes people second-guess themselves making wrong decision, delaying and rejecting actions such as the mom at the store doubting she turned off the stove so she leaves and goes back home to check only to find it was already turned off. This upsets her …show more content…

If you’ve ever sweat during an exam, pondered a decision you have made, have you ever delayed or rejected a decision due to a weird feeling inside you then you my friend have experienced the feeling of doubt. Doubt is just an emotion though, so it can be restrained and controlled. To due this one must follow these simple steps: When this feeling arises, take deep breath, count to ten in your head and calm down, and take your time (this one is very important) because doubt makes your heart rate increase and makes you rush to complete the thing that is occurring, so when that arises wait and think it through in you head very carefully making sure not to make any rash decisions, evaluate the situation as if you were a detective at a crime scene. These steps will allow you to conquer your doubts and achieve the best results to situations instead of doubting

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