Describe The Evolution Of Steven And Connie's Relationship

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This project will use three songs from Steven Universe that will be used to describe the evolution of Steven and Connie’s relationship. The project will show how the two became met and became friends but shortly thereafter, there relationship changed once the two could fuse. Fusion is the amalgamation of two or more Gems, usually, but in Steven’s case since he is half human, he can fuse with other humans. Rebecca Sugar, the creator of the series, has described fusion as the ultimate bond between Gems. She also describes fusion as a relationship, and the characters that are fusing must be in perfect harmony. The goal of this project is to showcase the impact that fusion has had on Steven and Connie’s relationship, both in the formation of the relationship as well as hardships they have faced. …show more content…

In “The Jam Song,” Steven and Connie sing a cute, little song about eating a snack. “Something Entirely New” was originally written for Ruby and Sapphire, the Gems that fuse to make Garnet. This song describes how the two Gems do not understand their new relationship and fear where this relationship will take them. This song will be used to describe the feelings that Steven and Connie felt during the first few times they fused. The last song, “Love Like You,” is a solo piece that is featured in the end credits of a few of the shows. This song describes the point of view of one person in a romantic relationship. It shows that the people in the relationship do not understand why they love each other so much, but that is not the important part. Rather, the important part of the relationship is that they will always be there for each other no matter the

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