Cross-Modal Plasticity Essay

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In terms of cross-modal aural communication, sensory inputs can travel from primarily auditory regions in the thalamus to regions specializing in visual processing (e.g. thalamothalamic interactions). Possible mechanisms that allow for cross-modal plasticity include the formation of new connections or the preservation of previous neural connections between sensory cortices. Also, the loss of a sense (e.g. acquired blindness) can unmask “silent” connections, leading to cross-modal activity. None of these mechanisms are all-encompassing in explaining plasticity, but rather, there might be a variable combination of these mechanisms depending on the age of blindness onset. Through TMS experimentation, there is evidence to show …show more content…

Other TMS experiments such as those on individuals’ fingers and tongues demonstrate that cross-modal plasticity is heavily reliant on experience rather than visual deprivation and can be induced through training, leading to activation of …show more content…

The reason for the formation of these connections were to compensate for the loss of a sense, and to maximize the use of every region of the brain. However, once a sense is regained, will these connections still be necessary and thus persist, or will they be subject to neural pruning? If the newly synthesized connections are removed once a sense is regained, this could further suggest that the main mechanism behind cross-modal plasticity is visual or auditory deprivation, rather than increased experience with other senses. On the other hand, if the cross-modal connections are preserved, if would be interesting to do a follow-up study and see how the two connected sensory cortices might interfere with each other, leading to distorted perception. For example, if connections are made between the temporal and occipital cortex and vision is restored to a patient undergoing visual surgery, will the patient’s occipital cortex still respond to auditory stimuli and produce interferences with

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