Crime And Crime

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The murder of my Aunt Nelcina Charles in her home in 1995 was a surprise to us. She tried making a turnaround in her life. After years of drug abuse, Nelcina reached her lowest point. She realized that she needed to make a turn for the better, for her children. Nelcina became more involved in her children's lives and started living a normal life. As the transition began to take hold for the better, Nelcina’s life was abruptly taken from her, the police came, did their regular procedure. Yet the murder remained unsolved, and her children stayed with their grandmother. Preceding the Manhattan Criminal Court engraved is the quote “Equal and exact justice for all men of whatever state or persuasion” which supposed to extend to my family. Unfortunately, indigent minority neighborhoods have a false view of the extent and meaning of Constitutional protections, so we were helpless. The quote rang hollow to me because it did not extend to us. A wide gap exists in ethnicity between the individuals in conflict with the court of law and the individuals chosen to represent them in the court of law. This highlights the connection between criminal justice and crime with economic inequality. My family could not afford a lawyer furthermore; the case resulted in a dismissal. Without proper representation the case faltered, evidence overlooked, suspects not interviewed, and the crime scene jeopardized. The need for individuals to understand their rights is important. Adequate education allows individuals to understand their rights, which is necessary for success and society must present such opportunity. My goal of becoming a social advocate is to contribute in the lives of my Brooklyn’s community. As well, as stem the growing tide of injustice and ... ... middle of paper ... ... education alone. The stark reality leaves much desired, success determined through unfavorable components, which my cousin never had, where you live, money, and education. Limits stop individuals from growth and career aspirations which contributed to my cousin becoming an at risk youth. Throughout my experiences, I learned that second chances could bring individuals thought lost back to the fold and be successful. My hope is that law school will contribute in my drive towards social activism. Law school will help me in my continued efforts for children’s success. Furthermore, my guidance, of course extends to people who face similar circumstances such as my cousin. Society stigmatized the indigent, cycles formed, and members of the family remains entrenched with their future remaining uncertain. I want to serve communities in overcoming the limits set by society.

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