Creon's Death In Sophocles 'Antigone'

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Did you ever consider that in the past stories had applicable morals to modern life. In Antigone written in or before 441 BC by Sophocles, there are many applicable moral that go from love to death situations. The story begins with Tiresias, a man that was cursed to kill his father and marry his mother and eventually have kids with his own mother. Tiresias was rejected, later on coming back to kill his biological father and leading him to marry his biological mother. Tiresias eventually found out and was ashamed, he cut his eyes out and left to die. Even though he was caught by the cursed and was punished the curse seemed to never go away and punished his own kids. He had two sons and two daughters. His two sons wanted his throne leading them to battle each other and kill each other. Leaving the throne empty and their sister alone. The closest male in the family was left to take over the throne. Creon made a law declaring that no one was to bury Polyneices, since he killed some people of the kingdom. On the other hand Antigone, Polyneices sister believes that everyone should have a proper burial and that it was unfair, later on deciding to bury him. Which lead to the stories cliffhanger, making it continue.

The main reason Antigone lead to greater events is because she was a rebel and the first to speak up. …show more content…

Antigone was going to marry Haemon, Creon’s son until she was actually sentenced to death by Creon. Creon’s wife Eurydice was upset with what Creon did with there niece. Eurydice and Haemon later on commited suicide. Haemon by a sword and his mother by stabbing herself in the stomach. All this death made Creon suffer and lead Creon to take his own life as well. Antigone’s death lead to all of this, because Creon wasn’t wise enough to realize the injustice he made. All this because he wanted everything for himself and not the

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