Creative Writing: Home

1976 Words4 Pages

It was a quiet night, with the full moon out at its highest peak and dark clouds slowly drifting by their luminous, neighboring stars. The old city was dimly lit by scattered candles and lanterns, its peace only disturbed when a baby's startling cry filled the air, emanating from an ancient-roman-like villa.

It's long, consistent, and glass-shattering wailing could be heard resounding throughout the entire villa. A structure that scaled acres, with countless concrete columns erected along its hallways, walkways, and rooms. Luxurious carpets laid all throughout its complex. Flowing water filled its fountains and showers. Its walls and ceilings fully decorated with exotic art.

In that extravagant home, at the center of a large, white, and luxuriously furnished room, was a young, gorgeous woman, surrounded by four others who were her servants. The shining moonlight and surroundings candles shed light unto her delicate body and the lavish bed that was holding her, like she was the star of a stage. …show more content…

Her flawless jaw hung agape as she gazed at the ceiling, with beads of sweat rolling down her finely knitted brows. The ringing pain in her lower abdomen had yet to dissolve and nothing in the world could had eased it. Why hadn't her husband come yet? She was tired, feeling as if all the energy she had in her body was drained away, as if through the moment she gave birth, she truly offered a piece of her life to her beloved baby.

But, despite how disheveled she may had looked, and how pale and sickly her expression had become, with her long chestnut hair sprawled among the pillows, and her expensive toga soaked in sweat, sticking tightly to her skin, she still retained her noble, elegant air.

She was a beautiful mess, Lilianne Cornelia, the daughter of the family Eida was serving, and a one of a kind lady, having great perseverance and

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