Copycat Movie Psychology

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Focusing on the individuals in the movie Copycat there were two people that stuck out to me. The first being Dr. Hudson and the second being the “copycat killer”. The abnormalities of these two people really were portrayed well in the movie. Dr. Hudson was a psychologist and book writer for around 20 years. She knew many details about serial killers. During her lecture about serial killers she noticed a man in the stands and automatically knew he was coming after her soon. She got attacked in the bathroom by Daryll Lee Cullum after her speech and she was left in an abnormal stage. She was acting very abnormal by staying in her house for many years without going outside, she has panic attacks, and says a list of presidents to calm herself down. She has been diagnosed with agoraphobia because of her traumatic experience. …show more content…

Another example of her agoraphobia is when she wakes up randomly sweating like crazy, and goes to get her antidepressants, which didn’t work for her, and then led to alcoholism and depression. Other people in the movie responded to Dr. Hudson as a crazy lady, or made fun of her because of how she acted until they figured out she really knew what she was talking about and doing. The police and investigators gained respect from her knowledge about the copycat killer which helped the police out a lot. I feel Dr. Hudson really improved her agoraphobia through the movie by going out of her comfort zone many times to help others, and to catch the

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