Compare And Contrast The Movie Troy And The Iliad

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As we all know, Hollywood isn’t exactly accurate when it comes to the historical accuracy of movies. Although the Iliad is a myth, the movie Troy doesn’t follow the story quite as accurately as it could have. One major difference is the concept of time. In the Iliad, the battle spanned over a ten year period while in the movie, the battle only lasted about 17 days. However, it does have many similarities to the poem. Both the movie and the poem have similar plots as well as the feud of Achilles and Agamemnon, fall of Troy, the death of Patroclus, Achilles avenging the death of Patroclus and the supplication of Priam to Achilles. Other similarities include Thetis telling Achilles that if he is to stay home and refrain from fighting he will be forgotten. However, if he is to fight in the battle of Troy, he will be remembered forever. Another similarity can be found when Agamemnon confiscates Briseis from Achilles. There are many details in the movie that deviate from the epic poem as well. Some differences between the movie and the poem include the deaths of Agamemnon and Menelaus, the relationship between Achilles and Patroclus, the portrayal of some of the characters and the role of the Gods in the plot. Also, according to the film, the capture of Troy seems to be the subject of the entire movie whereas in the epic poem, the subject is the wrath of Achilles. Also, the relationship between Achilles and Patroclus is a little different. In the movie, Achilles and Patroclus are cousins and Patroclus is younger than Achilles. In the Iliad, Achilles and Patroclus are best friends. Patroclus is older than Achilles and acts as the advisor for Achilles. According to the epic poem, Achilles much more angry and violent than how he is portray... ... middle of paper ... ...tling over Helen, Zeus sending the dream to Agamemnon, and Thetis convincing Zeus in the aid of the Trojans. We can see how the Gods affected the plot of the Iliad. If we were to eliminate them, the movie Troy makes more sense. In the movie, since Zeus did not send a dream to Agamemnon he had no real reason to attack Troy. But because Aphrodite was not there to save Paris from his death in the duel with Menelaus, Hector had to save him and death of Menelaus was the perfect motive for Agamemnon to take Troy. The addition of these changes was beneficial to the movie, if one is looking at it from the standpoint of a businessman. These changes allowed the audience to feel more emotion towards the characters, thus allowing them to “bond” with them. In the end of the Iliad, most of the characters die, and as we all know, that is the worst way to end a Blockbuster movie.

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