Chronicle Of A Death Foretold

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Death Foretold is Shown as the Foundation for Colombia Catholicism is one of the foundational concepts in Colombian culture. It created the fundamental cultural concepts that allowed for the Colombia of today. In Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s novella Chronicle of a Death Foretold, allusions to the Bible, irony, and diction are all used to portray how Religion influences and develops the societal structures of authority and gender roles. Through allusions Marquez is able to portray Religions importance to the town, and how it makes an impact. Through irony, Marquez shows how Religion develops gender roles in a culture, and the way people interact with them. Finally through diction, Marquez is able to accurately represent authority and its power …show more content…

One of the better examples of authority is the class structure of the town. This allowed for power over others, particularly with Bayardo San Roman. From the moment Bayardo arrived in the town he was a spectacle to the people. Because of his wealth and prowess he gained immediate respect and authority within the town. “hadn't even tried to court her, but had bewitched the family with his charm”(Marquez 19). The fact that the family was so enamored by Bayardo’s influence shows how much power authority has. The way Marquez utilizes diction to describe Bayardo’s influence is key to understanding how important authority is in Colombia. His use of the word bewitched shows that even thought of Bayardo courting their daughter would change their lives. His impact was so immense that instead of Marquez describing it as good, it was displayed as a corrupting agent. This is where gender roles fit into authority. Gender roles immediately create a hierarchy between the two genders, and giving men authority over women. Once again this stems from the religion of Colombia, which influences and creates the structure of the society. Religion is the ultimate authority in Colombia because its leverage over the entire community. Whether or not God does exist, the townspeople still allow an intangible authority to control nearly every facet of their lives. The religious authority is also pervasive through religious figures. Particularly the Bishop of the region. The Bishop has significant respect and power throughout the town solely because of his Religious prowess. The whole town would gather to see the Bishop, who they knew little to nothing about, and only giving him power because of his representation of a religious

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