Child Labour Is Doing The Right Thing Wrong Essay

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Child labor is where an underage person does work for a pay, however big or small. Some people feel that it is morally wrong to purchase items crafted through child labor. Others think that it is okay, because they are helping their families survive. I feel that child labor can be a good thing if the kid is paid enough money to survive. If you are the one purchasing the item, child labor might seem like a cruel way for companies to make money, but in most third-world countries, children work for money because if they didn't, they and their family would die. If the family is poor and the children cannot go to school because of that, I would find that this is the next best thing because then it gives the child and the family a chance to survive. Saga Sports, a sports equipment company, has hired children and has used child labor to make money, also improved towns in third-world countries. According to “Is Doing the Right Thing Wrong?” by David Montero, “Many here in Sialkot worry that Saga’s fall could chip away at a decade of progress: Low unemployment, stability, and a private sector that pours money into schools, clinics,and roads.” “There is no link to …show more content…

Congress threatened to ban the import of clothing made by children under 14 in Bangladesh, around 50,000 of them went from their jobs in the relatively clean textile factories to collecting garbage.” This means that even if child labor goods were boycotted around the world, kids would still try to find a way around it and attempt to get money for themselves or for their family. It can also mean that the child is exposed to possible life threatening diseases as they walk along picking up garbage with their bare hands, when instead they would be making soccer balls or weaving clothes, which is a much cleaner

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