Character Changes In Night, By Elie Wiesel

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As humans we are constantly changing and adapting to fit our environment. Humans also can have mood changes due to age, rough times or any other driving force. In the book “Night”, by Elie Wiesel, Elie goes through many changes because of what he experiences. Elie had to change his ways in order to survive and keep his loved ones by his side. Over the course of the book, Elie changed the way he acted towards people, loved ones, and things he knew to be true. In the book “Night” by Elie Wiesel, Elie goes through many changes, as a character, while he was in Auschwitz. Before Elie was sent to Auschwitz, he was just a small child that new little of the world. He made poor decisions and questioned everything. Elie was a religious boy before he …show more content…

‘I warned you,’ he shouted” (10). Moishe comes to warn Elie and his family that the Nazi are coming closer. In the excerpt Elie exhibits his poor decision making skills. Elie and his family did not listen to Moishe. This cost them them, because if they would have listened then they could have avoided the concentrations camps. Elie was a young boy, knowing little, he asked questions a lot, hoping he could find an answer. In the book Elie says “‘Why do you pray Moishe?’”(Wiesel 4). Elie is not afraid to ask people questions in order to find answers. Elie benefits later in the book because he asked so many questions in the past, he already knows the answers in the future. Elie liked to learn, especially about his religion Kabbalah. Elie asked so many questions because he would never learned anything if he didn’t ask any questions. Elie, born from jewish parents, believed very strongly in his religion, Kabbalah. …show more content…

This new behavior lead him to develop new character traits. While Ellie was in the concentration camp he became angry at many things, for example “I would have dug my nails into the criminals flesh” (Wisel 39). Elie shows extreme anger when the Nazi officials are beating Elie’s father. Elie was angry because the Nazi soldiers were not treating them nicely and putting them in poor conditions. Elie is usually not a person for anger but he shows this when his family members are being hurt. Elie wants to stand up for what is right and for his family members. Despite his studying, Elie wavered in his belief in Kabbalah while he was at the camp. In the book Elie says, “‘Where are You, my God?’” (66). Elie is wondering why God is not helping the Jews. Elie had complete faith in his religion until now, when he is starting to question his beliefs. He had learned that God will punish evil and save the righteous. However, when Elie saw that God was not helping the Jews situation then asked himself the question, “Is God real?”. Elie became worried because he felt he had lost a companion that always seemed by his side at all times. He lost hope. While Elie was in the camp he had changed the way he acted towards his Dad. Before Elie was sent to the camp Elie had a love hate relationship with his dad. However while they were in the camp together they became closer. Elie showed this when, “I tightened my grip on my

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