Career Goals And Goals

712 Words2 Pages

The word count is 750 words and the table headings give additional guidance.

What do I need to do to achieve my goals?

Identify your two goals (short term and medium to longer term). Be specific and clearly describe the actions and tasks you will undertake to help you achieve these goals. There will be a number of actions required to achieve each goal. How do I know I need to take these actions to achieve my goals?

Cite evidence here. This could be from lecture notes, careers leaflets, career research interview, journal articles or books related to the module. What resources or support will I need?

Whose support do you need to turn this plan into reality: parents, careers advisers, family, work colleagues, mentor. What costs …show more content…

This is the measure to show that you have achieved your objective.

Short term goal
My short term goal is to find a part-time job, to help earn some money to help me save something towards me leaving University.
Action point/task 1
The action that I need to undertake is to look at what I could do over the Summer Holidays and also assess the career theory model that fits me. To achieve the goal I have looked at the different models that we have looked at, from Holland’s to Dweck’s theory. I think that the model that applies the most to me is Parsons career theory. The support that I think I will need would be my parents, because they have helped me get to the point where I have attend University and they will help me to achieve my goal.

Plus my parents can also be critical and help me see if there is any problems that I might experience. Also it might be helpful to explore Holland’s RIASEC Hexagon. End of June 2015 I will have three characteristics for my success criteria and they are:
1. Knowing that I will have something to do over the summer.
2. Keep working towards my long-term goal
3. To have a better understanding of the job/labour …show more content…

I will look at what a good CV looks like and will explore what is in a CV and a Cover Letter. Once again I will get support from my parents. I will also get support from any University friends who have jobs and will see what their CV’s look like.

I will also look further on the Prospects website. End of Summer 2015 I will look to find what part of the Baptist Ministry suits me, whether it be Youth Work or running a Church as the main Pastor or even as an associate Pastor. etc Medium term goal
My medium term goal is to try and achieve a chance to go to a Church and maybe preach there for the summer. Or maybe get onto the Lay Preachers List to get ‘my foot in the door’ for when I graduate.
Action point/task 1
My first task is to attend a Lay Preacher’s workshop to get some training ready for the summer and the next academic year, I will explore Pool and Sewell’s book The Key to Employability and get an idea of what employers look for in employees, because it is and can be essential. I will seek help from my Tutors, my friends and most of all my parents. Even whilst I am in the last 30 months of my University Degree. January 2016 ( max. ) My grades will help me to determine whether or not I will be successful as well as working really hard to get to where I want to get

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