Cancer Epidemiology: A Personal Statement Of Purpose

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My academic degrees are in Biology (Bachelor of Science) and Molecular and Cellular Biology (PhD) with specialties in genetics, disease, and molecular biology. I have worked in a variety of different labs, and conduct basic scientific research with biomedical implications. Throughout my experience, I have developed a wide range of skills, mostly focusing on molecular biology techniques, bioinformatics, and tissue culture. I am very passionate about applying these skills towards studies of cancer epidemiology.

When I began my graduate career, I was accepted into the IGERT Program in Comparative Genomics at the University of Arizona. This program encompassed classes combining computer science, molecular biology, and population studies. One of my more memorable classes in this program involved using publicly available data to develop a computational research project. This is something that I would like to bring to Wheaton, as it allows students to form hypotheses and conduct computational analysis without the prohibitive time and expense of a large-scale population study. …show more content…

Eugene Gerner at the Arizona Cancer Center. I participated in a project that looked at the impact of background genetic variation on colon cancer survival and response to post-surgery treatment1. Through this project, and my coursework on cancer therapeutics, I became well-versed in the methods used by cancer biologists to study genetic risk factors amid other medically-relevant variables and confounding factors such as population stratification. I applied this knowledge to form lectures on the genetic basis for cancer, which I gave to classes of undergraduate students. For various reasons, this project did not become my doctoral dissertation, but I continued to combine molecular biology and computational techniques while working with Dr. Parker Antin, studying embryonic development and heartfield formation2

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