Bioluminescence In The Ocean

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“Often extinctions in the ocean occur at the same time as those on land. Then again, the ice age extinctions lost many big animals, but not many sea fearing ones,” Robert T. Bakker. In 1941, electronic navigation systems were developed for the military to bomb locations more precisely, ocean cameras were also designed to help the military spot enemy submarines. Remotely operated vehicles were created to help the marines and the navy in 1941. Ocean exploration helped the military defeat enemies as it still does today. The navy wouldn’t have won any wars if it weren’t for the ocean and its secrets. Bioluminescence is a light produced by a living organism that is classified as a form of chemiluminesence, which is what gives the ocean's enough light for the submarines to see but not enough to be spotted by enemies.
The google definition of bioluminescence is “The biochemical emission of light by living organisms such as fireflies and deep sea fish.” Notably, bioluminescence has helped the Navy when they were on rescue missions to find lost submarines or lost ships. The light emitted by the animals in the ocean showed the Navy where the animals were, so they wouldn’t accidentally hit the animals. The animals also provided a little light for the Navy to search for lost ships and submarines. In the 1940’s U.S president Franklin D. Roosevelt led the ocean studies to a

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