Banning Books Banned

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Do you read books about our country's past? Do you think books should be banned because of romance and sexual language? Banned books could be used as a tool to learn about our history not to make parents made,however, i can understand if the language is very explicit. One of the key things about books is they show you the evolution of our past.Some people believe that books should not be banned because they shape our history.`

Do you think books should be banned because of romance and sexual language?
“Over 1500 books are banned because of sexual lanes.” (“Banned Book Numbers”).
” (“Banned and challenged books by the numbers. In the above quote, it talks about books being banned because of sexual language. Books should not be banned because of sexual languages because kids should learn about that stuff and actually know the meaning of it all.
“My only love sprung from my only hate!(Shakespeare 53).” (“Romeo and Juliet William Shakespeare”).In the book Romeo and Juliet there is a lot of romantic …show more content…

Which the book could have good information about our culture. In conclusion just because one kid's parent's parents don't want their kid reading doesn't mean that they should take away the right of all the other kids. One of the key things about books is they show you the evolution of our

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