Argumentative Essay On Child Labour

1403 Words3 Pages

Labour or Life?

Child Labour needs to be relegated.

Armaan Dogra
Section 4
Ms. Marshall
May 23
Word Count: 2002

Hamisi, an 11 year old boy who left his home village in Tanzania already has a career in mining. Everyday he must crawl around the tunnels in hopes of finding a gemstone. Working everyday for 18 hours he earns 60 cents to $1.20 a day. The health of the boys is terrible as they breathe in the harmful graphite dust found in the mines and they do not have enough to eat. There are many children who have to do this every day of their lives, and this issue cannot be ignored. The ILO (International Labour Organization) defines child labour as work that deprives children of their childhood, their potential and their dignity, and that is harmful to physical and mental development. Some say that child labour is work that can ruin the lives of children. Also child labour should never be something that children should experience, and that children should be in school instead. Others argue that child labour is necessary to keep the child and the family of the child alive. This purpose of this essay is to examine this debate. There are economic benefits, but the working conditions should be changed and also measures should be taken to enforce this law. Furthermore, children also need to be able to find a balance between school and work.

Child labour does not need to be banned, but it does need to be relegated. Some families rely on their children working to earn money for the family. "The worst forms of child labour are all intrinsically linked to poverty,” says Prof Sylvain Dessy from Laval University. If people are given the choice of living and working or dying, living is always the better option, even if you ...

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Source 14: International Labour Organization, “International Labour Standards on Labour inspection”, International Labour Organization, May 24, 2014,

Source 15: Dawn, “Child labour a ‘necessary evil’ in poor states”, Dawn, September 9, 2014,

Source 16: International Labour Organization, “Child Labour”, International Labour Organization, May 24, 2014,

Source 17: International Labour Organization, “Effective abolition of child labour”, International Labour Organization, May 22, 2014,

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