Argumentative Essay On Animal Abuse

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Animal Cruelty In the United States, an animal is abused every 60 seconds. Neglected and terrified, these animals are constantly fighting for their lives (“Every Animal Deserves a Second Chance”). As common and harmful as it is, animal cruelty was not a felony in all 50 states until just a few months ago (March 14, 2014) when South Dakota effectively set the new law, making animal abuse a crime countrywide (Berry). Just because animal abuse is illegal, doesn’t mean that people aren’t continuing to commit these atrocious acts of violence. Although laws against animal cruelty do help supply most of the animals in the United States with legal protection, they do not adequately aid the progress of animal’s rights. There are approximately
There are many indicators of how likely a person is to commit domestic violence, but of the most compelling, is a history of pet abuse violence (“Domestic Violence and Animal Cruelty”). It is five times as likely that the nauseating people who abuse animals also assault humans ("Animal Cruelty and Domestic Violence - Animal Legal Defense Fund"). It has also been confirmed that the most dangerous types of domestic batterers are those who also abuse animals; this is because they are more violent and controlling. Researchers have verified that children who are abused, or have been exposed to domestic violence, are three times more likely to abuse or neglect animals than those children who have not been around the same violence (“Domestic Violence and Animal Cruelty”). This outrageous fact is one that every parent should take into consideration before attempting to express violence around children. The link between animal abuse and domestic violence is so common that social services often starts investigation for a family in trouble by examining the family’s animals (“Facts About Animal Abuse & Domestic Violence”). According to the Animal Legal Defense Fund, “the truth is that a person who harms animals will likely
Oogy was a loving and loyal puppy, ten weeks old and only weighing an unbelievably dainty twenty pounds when some vulgar, despicable “human” tied him up and used him as bait for a—bred to be—vicious, full grown pit bull to tear apart. Somehow, by a miracle perhaps, Oogy was struggling for survival when the police found him locked up in a cage, bleeding to death, his jaw was shattered and his left ear ripped off (Levin). Another anger-inducing incident of animal cruelty involves Dolly, a playful pit bull around the age of six, who was scheduled to be euthanized because of the remnants her abusers left on her. Dolly was blind and had a baseball bat attack her until her skull cracked and she suffered brain damage; her right ear was hanging on by a thread and she was completely buried in burns and scabs that fire brought to her. Fortunately, the volunteers at an animal rescue organization in New York City were able to eradicate all of the injuries that Dolly acquired except her vision, which was permanently impaired from the brain damage she obtained ("Animals Abused & Abandoned"). These tragic incidents of innocent animals being brutally abused could be easily avoided if non-intentional animal abuse was a felony, and it was a requirement for animal owners to understand and be informed about

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