4 Levels Of Explanation In Psychology

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HEALTHY MINDS PRESENTATION. General background information How is the disorder diagnosed? Introduce the concept of the 4 levels of explanation (briefly describe the 4 levels) Using the 4 levels of explanation in psychology, explain/describe The symptoms and/or causes of the disorder at each of the 4 levels The various treatments for the disorder at the 4 levels and comment on the effectiveness of each treatment GENERAL BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Anxiety is an automatic response to perceived threats that allows us to do what is necessary in order to protect ourselves when we encounter danger. While it is necessary to some extent, anxiety becomes a disorder when symptoms interfere with our daily lives and affect our ability to perform basic functions …show more content…

Social anxiety is long-standing and debilitating and can affect a person’s ability to function during work or school, even causing difficulty with building relationships with people outside of their family. People with social anxiety have trouble meeting or talking to new people. In some cases the person can feel powerless to overcome their fears despite knowing that their fears are irrational or unreasonable. HOW IS THE DISORDER DIAGNOSED Doctors diagnose social phobia based on a person’s description of the symptoms they are experiencing. The doctor then conducts an exam to make sure there are no physical problems that could be causing the symptoms, after which they refer the person to a mental health specialist. A doctor can tell if someone has social phobia if the symptoms have persisted for at least 6 months. These symptoms of anxiety can appear over a range of situations from being limited to certain circumstances to taking place over such a broad spectrum that the person experiences anxiety around almost anyone outside their family

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